The Power of Human Connection

I watched the movie "Patch Adams" about a month ago and it really struck a chord with me.  It reminded me how important human connection is to our overall well-being.  Basic human kindness can go a long way, and although being kind to another person may not seem like much to our own selves... for that other person, it can really impact and change their lives.  

Before I get into how this movie affected me, I want to sum up it up for those who haven't seen it.  It's basically about a man who makes the decision to become a doctor to help those in need.  During his education and training, he begins to notice that the patients are not treated as individuals and human beings, but as numbers.  He takes it upon himself to ensure that each patient is acknowledged, treated and cared for as a person as a whole and not just their illness.  He genuinely cares to get to know each of the patients by asking simple things such as their names, their likes and dislikes, their passion in life, and especially makes a point to make them laugh.  Acknowledging the patients in the way that he does not only makes them happier, but it improves their condition and living circumstances.  This simple act makes them feel like more than just a number!

As I was watching this movie, I found myself feeling extremely emotional.  A part of me felt sad, but another part of me felt hopeful.  It made me sad because I feel as though I don't see human connection on this deep of a level anymore.  This sadness comes from knowing that technology is becoming more and more prominent and human interaction is beginning to dwindle, which is disheartening.  Regardless of the setting I am in, I see individuals locked into their technological devices.  They could be sitting with their friends and/or family, but they will be so focused on their devices that they don't think to connect with the people they are surrounded by.  I am the first to admit that I am culprit of this, and by doing this I missing out on building a deeper connection with my boyfriend, my family and my friends.  On the other side of it, this movie made me feel hopeful because we are humans who have needs and not all of those needs can be met by technology.  We need deep conversations and physical touch in order to thrive in life.  I feel confident that there will always be someone out there who is wanting to make a difference in other people's lives, because I am one of those people.  I am just ONE person who wants to find a way to make a difference in someone's life and I know there is a community out there who feels the same!

Patch Adams helped me to realize that the simple act of acknowledging others in a kind manner can make the biggest difference to the person on the receiving end of it.  Helping someone doesn't necessarily have to be a grand gesture either, it can be as simple as acknowledging them and making them feel seen.  Here are a few examples: (1) A simple smile to a stranger whilst walking down the street can light up a persons day and make them feel happier; (2) Giving a friend a hug when they weren't expecting to receive one can make them feel cared for; (3) Calling a family member that you haven't spoken to in a while can make them feel loved and acknowledged.  Here's the thing, on the surface many of us can look like we are fine and loving life... but we never truly know what is going on deep down inside. For example, I suffer from anxiety and can look like I am fine on the surface, but a lot of the time I am struggling with a flood of negative thoughts, restlessness and nausea.  With that said, random acts of kindness can make a world's difference without you even realizing it. 

With that said, it can be difficult to make the effort in truly wanting to make a difference in other people's lives.  This movie allowed me to dig deep within my own self to see where I am lacking in the area of helping others and what I can do to get better.  Newsflash... I am not perfect and sometimes my own personal issues, my lack of patience, and even selfishness can get in the way of helping someone in need.  I think becoming aware of this fact in itself though is a step towards becoming better.  In order to change this, I have been making making a point to recognize my irritability and selfishness in the moment of my helping someone.  Once I am aware of this feeling/emotion, I take a deep breath in and remind myself that whatever this person is going through is of greater priority than that of my impatience and selfishness.  This allows me to take a step back and acknowledge my negative thought patterns and shift them to that of a helping one.  When I am able to recognize this and make that shift, I feel proud of the fact that I was able to do this and even better that the person on the receiving end felt heard and acknowledged.
Human connection is so important in our our own personal growth journey.  Yes, it is challenging and difficult, but it nourishes us and the reward is much greater than that of the hard stuff.  In my opinion, making the effort to be kind to others and stay connected as a human race is the greatest purpose one can have in life.  

The difference that Patch Adams was able to make in people's lives, just by being kind and acknowledging is a testament to the affect that genuine human connection can have on individuals. I am a firm believer that we receive whatever energy we project unto the world which is why I want to strive to be as kind as I possibly can to every person I come across.  I'm not going to sugar coat the fact that this is a difficult task, but it's worth it to work towards a more peaceful inner being.  It's beneficial not only to the people that you are kind to, but your own self as well as it creates peace within you.

"The very nature of kindness is to spread.  If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you and tomorrow to someone else" - Sri Chinmoy
-Downtown Seattle in Washington-


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