Selfish vs. Selfless

What does it mean to be selfless, and is it okay to be selfish?

I have pondered this thought about being selfish vs. being selfless a lot recently as I work on becoming an overall "better" person.  The definition of becoming a "better" person will vary for everyone.  Personally, it requires me to become mindful of when my selfishness is getting in the way of helping a genuine person in need.  This is not to say it is an easy task.  It can be very difficult to do something when you have this feeling within you that does not want to; but I realized that in order to for me to grow as individual and feel more fulfilled in life then I will need to overcome these thought barriers.  

As of recent, I have become significantly mindful of my own thought patterns.  Due to this awareness, I am able to recognize when my own selfish thoughts are creating unnecessary negative energy.  Have you ever had someone ask you to help them with something and, for some reason, it made you feel irritated, annoyed or inconvenienced even though you had nothing important stopping you from helping them? I'll admit... I have and still do feel this at times and it is something I'm not overly proud of.  This is the selfish part of me that does not want to go out of my own comfort zone to help someone in need.  

The thought behind selfishness and wanting to lose its source of negativity within myself really got me wondering what it means to be selfless and if I could ever be completely selfless.  I then wondered if it is possible to be selfless without losing my own self identity in the process.  To be selfless would mean to to cater to others and their happiness while putting my own needs to the side.  It is important to me that I be able to help others without feeling resentful, but also important that I do not lose myself in the process.

I also feel that it is important to distinguish between those who take my kindness for granted, and those who genuinely appreciate it.  I feel that being completely selfless would mean to continue being kind... even to those who do not reciprocate.  It is circumstances such as these where I need to be able to reclaim my own power and be JUST selfish enough that my own health and well-being is still prospering.  If I do not care my own health and well-being, how am I to be expected to help others at my fullest capacity? It is with this that I came to conclude that I cannot be completely and fully selfless without losing who I am as an individual and without giving up the ability to stand up for myself when I am being taken for granted.   

There is a line to be drawn between being completely selfish and being completely selfless.  Life will always push and pull us in every direction, but aiming for balance is key.  I am a firm believer in Karma and I feel that if you pass on good vibes into the world and unto others, you will receive the same and vice versa.  

My personal goal in life is to reduce the amount of negative vibrations within myself so that I can experience and release more positivity into the world.  The process will never be easy and I know my patience will be tested, but I'm promising myself that I will continue to work on myself no matter what! 

I would love your thoughts on this conversation.  Do you think it's possible to be completely selfless and is it okay to be selfish? Please share!
-Golden Ears Provincial Park - Lower Falls Trail-


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