Binge Eating

I have to admit, I have a problem with binge eating.

Not all the time, but I do binge eat and it is something I have a difficult time controlling.  Keeping a balanced diet is something I struggle with. I have always tried my hardest to eat as healthy as I can, and that too in moderation, but something always seems to go array and I end up going through a period of eating crappy food in excess.

I have learned that my mental health and my relationship with food go hand in hand.  If I am stressed, anxious or feeling depressed I tend to reach for fast food, chocolate and/or ice cream to temporarily make me feel good.  It ends up becoming a vicious cycle because I end up feeling worse/guilty for eating the "bad" food and I continue to eat to get rid of that feeling in order to give me that temporary satisfaction again and again.  I have to also admit that I cannot blame it ALL on my mental health either.  I honestly love food, and that too the fast foods, fried foods, chocolate, ice cream and sweets so I find it hard to keep these food items in check.  Can you relate to this?  

Honestly, at this point in my life I want to strive towards balance when it comes to my relationship with food.  I have done the whole "tracking my macros and calories" thing with MyFitnessPal, restricting myself to one cheat meal a week, as well as Intermittent Fasting but... I am totally and completely over it.  What is life if I have to spend all my time thinking about what I am going to be eating and if it is healthy enough?! Yes, I think it is important to be mindful of what I eat so that I am nourishing my body but I also think it is important not to deprive myself either.  There has to be some type of balance between eating as healthy as possible, while indulging in the foods that I enjoy.   This is harder than it seems though, especially for someone who does not have the best relationship with food; because once I start eating the foods that I enjoy, I eat it as if I will never get this food again - and that is not good for my mind or my body!  

My goal is to work towards perfecting this balance of food in my life - whatever "perfect" is for me.  As I said before, my relationship with food is difficult but I am determined to make my relationship with it a lot healthier than it is now.  A healthy relationship with food to me means, eating whole nutritious foods as much as a can, and indulging in moderation whenever I want to without guilt tripping myself.

Creating a healthy balance with food means that I will be able to create a healthier mind, body and soul and that is always going to be my main goal in life. 

Do you or have you struggled with binge eating? If so, what do you do to manage it?  I would love for you to share your experiences with this.    

If you are in the Vancouver area and looking for healthy party snacks that not only feel like you're indulging in tasty treats, but are beautifully laid out as well - then check out the Nourish Boards created by The Daily Palette.  View their web page for more details: ! 


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