A Meaningful Life

To anyone who doesn't already know me, my name is Harjeet - hence, Jeet's Journey ;-) .  

I decided to start to this blog because I want to be able to share my experiences in life and the things I've learned and continue to learn.  I know I am not alone in the struggle of what we call life, so I hope there are individuals out there who can relate and whom I might be able to help through the sharing of my thoughts.  

There is so much to be thankful and grateful for in life; however, sometimes these positive aspects in life can get clouded through the hardships we may face throughout our life.  The best way to describe my life is a literal roller coaster ride, ha-ha.  I've had many lows but I've also experienced many highs.  I struggle with anxiety and depression, which is difficult to deal with at times, but I've decided to overcome this and learn how to deal with it better.  Not only do I struggle with anxiety and depression, but I'm obsessive about my body image and my goal is to come to a place where I can love my self completely and fully - "flaws" and all! 

It took me 30 years to finally come to terms with the fact that I had to address this "roller coaster ride" of emotions and finally put my mental health first.  I couldn't do this alone though.  Along with the support of my family and friends, I am not ashamed to admit that I seek help from a Psychologist who is working through all of the struggles I face in life with me.  Getting this help means confronting circumstances of the past that can be difficult to deal with, but are integral to the healing of my mind.  It's a process and it will take me time to get to a better place, but I am confident and determined that I will! 

Working out, as some of you may know, is my biggest passion! I thoroughly enjoy it and it keeps me "sane".  Keeping active, trying to stay healthy, while encompassing an active social life continues to improve my mental health, as well as my physical health.  Finding balance, meaning and joy in my life has become my number one priority and I'm determined to get to a place where I can feel confident about who I am and what my purpose is in life.  

If you find yourself struggling and have a hard time finding the light at the end of the tunnel, just remember that the light IS there and you just have to get through the darkness to see it.

And with that.. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

"but without the dark, we'd never see the stars"


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